Customs Clearance

Duty rates, customs clearance, and entry processes differ from country to country. Tariff classifications, value declaration, and duty management can create confusion and increase costs. And customs and security initiatives have imposed new regulations on companies that make it more challenging than ever to trade internationally.

With over years of customs clearance experience, Saffron Container Lines can provide you with global coverage and reliable, consistent service. We are ahead of the curve on the latest customs programs – such as remote filing services and entry reconciliation – to help you keep your business on the leading edge.

However, sometimes due to all the clearances, declarations and the immense amounts of red-tapes to be filled in can be overly tedious and complicated. This would very much slow down your process of delivering your goods across the globe on time, adversely affecting your business. Hence a good solution would be to engage a team of experienced customs brokers and entry writers who are well versed in tariff and custom laws to help you achieve your business’s service excellence.

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